Pecah kontrak perkhidmatan adalah apabila seseorang pegawai yang masih lagi mempunyai ikatan perjanjian kontrak (bond) untuk berkhidmat dengan Universiti bagi beberapa tempoh yang telah ditetapkan di dalam kontrak bertindak mengingkari terma dan syarat kontrak tersebut. Maka, pihak Universiti mempunyai hak untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap pegawai terbabit.
Hantar ke Pejabat PUU dengan segera untuk Pejabat PUU memulakan tindakan mempertahan Universiti.
Terdapat EMPAT (4) kaedah pembayaran bagi pecah kontrak perkhidmatan iaitu:- a) melalui arahan bayaran tetap bank yang tidak boleh dibatalkan (irrevocable standing instruction) ke dalam akaun RHB Bank Berhad, atas nama Universiti Putra Malaysia. Sila hubungi pejabat kami untuk mendapatkan nombor akaun. Sesalinan borang permohonan kepada pihak bank bagi arahan bayaran tetap tersebut hendaklah dimajukan kepada kami bagi tujuan rekod serta pemantauan oleh Pejabat Bendahari UPM; b) melalui mesin deposit tunai RHB Bank Berhad, atas nama Universiti Putra Malaysia. Sila hubungi pejabat kami untuk mendapatkan nombor akaun. Sesalinan resit transaksi tersebut hendaklah dimajukan kepada kami bagi tujuan rekod serta pemantauan Pejabat Bendahari UPM; c) melalui cek lewat tarikh (post dated cheque) yang dihantar kepada Bahagian ini setiap tahun atas nama BENDAHARI UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA sehingga selesai jumlah tuntutan; atau d) melalui Payment Gateway UPM.
Boleh, Universiti boleh membuat tuntutan saman ke atas pihak ketiga dan juga disaman oleh pihak ketiga.
Seseorang staf boleh diambil tindakan pelanggaran kontrak perkhidmatan sekiranya penama tersebut telah melanggar terma perjanjian dalm kontrak perkhidmatan tersebut.
Universiti Putra Malaysia is a body corporate established and incorporated in accordance with the Universities and Collages University Act 1971 (Act 30) by the order of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong under the Order (Incorporation) Universiti Pertanian (Incorporation Order 1971) [P.U.(A) 387/1971] and the Constitution of Universiti Putra Malaysia [P.U(A) 448/1971]
Yes, the Constitution of UPM [P.U.(A) 106/1998] was repealed by Section 63 of the Constitution of UPM [P.U.(A) 448/2010] which came into force on January 1, 2011.
The Universities and Collages University Act 1971 (Act 30) is an Act of Parliament and is the Act which allows for public university to be established by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Ratio Legis Est Anima Legis means the soul of law is the reason if law. It is a latin maxim which has been adopted as a dictum of the Office of Legal Advisor
Statutes, Rules and Regulations are subsidiary law which the University is allowed to make under the Constitution. According to the Constitution of Universiti Putra Malaysia (a) Statute made by the Chancellor and prepared by the University Board of Directors. The matters that can be Statute are the matters listed under Section 34 of the UPM Constitution. (b) Rules made by the University Board of Directors. The matters that can be Rules are the matters listed under Section 36 of the UPM Constitution. (c) Regulations may also be made by University Board of Directors and the Senate. The matters that can be Regulations are the matters listed under Section 38 of the UPM Constitution.
Examples of UPM Statutes (1) Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (Board of Student Residence) Statute 1978 [P.U.(A)/219] (2) Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (Student Affairs Board) Statute 1979 [P.U.(A)/98] (3) Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (Senate) Statute 1983 Examples of UPM Rules (1) Universiti Putra Malaysia (Research) Rules 2012 (2) Universiti Putra Malaysia (Academic) Rules 2003 (Amendment 2005) (3) Universiti Putra Malaysia (Discipline of Students) Rules 2005 Examples of UPM Regulations (1) Universiti Putra Malaysia (Student Representative Council Elections) Regulations 2011
Members of the University Board of Directors are as set out in Section 17 of the Constitution. While the members of University Management Committee as prescribed under Section 23 of the Constitution.
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Updated:: 04/08/2021 []
Level 4, Canselori Putra Building
Universiti Putra Malaysia